Anniversary of the deceased popular songster Mohammed Ibarhim known as Hama Qutoo

Anniversary of the deceased popular songster Mohammed Ibarhim known as Hama Qutoo

Today 31-01-2019 Revival of Kurd’s Heritage Organization (KRHO) with the participation from a number of volunteer young songsters, musicians and singers, intellectual personalities, artists, writers, TV channels, newspapers and big rally of people arranged a special event on the anniversary of the deceased popular songster Mohammed Ibarhim known as Hama Qutoo who has tens of exceptional songs, lyrics in Sorani and Hawrami dialects. Mohammed Qutoo dedicated his life to create a new style of singing and his songs called as life time songs. RKHO representative at the end of the event provided a special gift to honor the family of this great songster as recognition of his role in developing the Kurdish song and music.