RKHO staff trained by Applied Science University of Berlin, funded by the Gerda Henkel Foundation.

RKHO staff trained by Applied Science University of Berlin, funded by the Gerda Henkel Foundation.

RKHO staff trained by Applied Science University of Berlin, funded by the Gerda Henkel Foundation.

RKHO staff trained by Applied Science University of Berlin, funded by the Gerda Henkel Foundation.

Revival of Kurd’s Heritage Organization (  RKHO) after 3 years of tireless working and spent effort could collect 132 precious historical manuscripts. Since

While the condition of the storage and preserving of the historical manuscripts were under real risk for ruins and physical loss and destruction due to lack of skill and resources to keep them safe, in addition to the lack of technical capacity to recognize the value and methodology of restoring them in a proper way.

Having all the factors at one time will subject the books and manuscripts to the continuous risk which bring a bad consequent to erase the history of the nation and disappearing their history while having a civilization in past for all the humanity.

Therefore RKHO was successful in adopting a project and securing fun for protecting and preserving these manuscripts.

The first step of implementation started with contacting The Applies Science University in Berlin to assist and organize a two weeks training and for this purpose three staff from Revival of Kurd’s Heritage Organization (  RKHO) participated in the training to get the skill in Byzantine and Islamic Book technology in theory and with practical exercise and  Book binding, Basics of chemistry and natural fibers, Basics of conservation of such cultural heritage and Basic of the technology of  paper making and of printing technology. Thankfully the university and under the direction of Professor  Dr. Ruth Keller and the assistant  Mrs. Janet Rasch, they provided the training to the three participants of RKHO with a great sense of flexibility enriched with academic and scientific skills.